Tier 2 Resources
Reading scales in litres and mililitres activity sheet
Everyday objects capacity activity sheet
Weight measuring activity sheet
Big and small cut out activity
Beanstalks - height and weight
Measuring the perimeter of a shape
Patterns and Sequencing
Complete a symmetrical butterfly activity sheet
Hungry caterpillar pattern sheet
Stripy scarves repeating patterns activity sheet
The Very Hungry Caterpillar number sequencing
Opposites Matching Cards
What's the position cut and paste activity
Where is the penguin positional language picture cards
Shape and colour
Telling the time in five minute intervals
12 hour and 24 hour matching cards
Telling the time matching game (O' clock and half past)
Telling the time matching game (O' clock)
Telling the time matching game (quarter to and quarter past)
Telling the time matching game (to five minutes)
O' clock, half-past and quarter to times activity sheet