Uplands School

Tier 2 Resources


Battle of the Somme
Higher Ability
Middle Ability
Lower Ability

Higher Ability
Middle Ability
Lower Ability

Higher Ability
Middle Ability
Lower Ability

Planet Earth
Higher Ability
Middle Ability
Lower Ability

Rainforest Deforestation
Higher Ability
Middle Ability
Lower Ability

Roald Dahl
Higher Ability
Middle Ability
Lower Ability

Early Reading
Florence Nightingale Comprehension
London's Burning Reading Comprehension
The Camping Trip Reading Comprehension
The Very Naughty Leprechaun Reading Comprehension
My Dad the Super Hero Reading Comprehension
Kitten and Puppy Reading Comprehension
The Bubbling Cauldron Reading Comprehension
The Lion King Reading Comprehension
The Terrible Trip Reading Comprehension


Phonics - Phase 1

I Spy 


Home learning challenge sheet

Rhythm and rhyme learning activity sheet

Rhyming words activity sheet

Voice sounds challenge sheet

Old MacDonald Nursery Rhyme Poster

Environmental Sounds

Instrumental Sounds

Oral Blending and Segmenting

Body Percussion

I Spy


Home learning challenge sheet

Rhythm and rhyme learning activity sheet

Rhyming words activity sheet

Voice sounds challenge sheet

Old MacDonald Nursery Rhyme Poster

Environmental Sounds

Instrumental Sounds

Oral Blending and Segmenting

Body Percussion

Phase 1 Robot Cards
Robot Poster

Bertha Goes to the Zoo
Phase 1 AZ Alphabet Activity PowerPoint
Phase 1 Odd one out
Phonics Alphabet Jigsaw
Rhyming Bingo Set

Phonics - Phase 2

CVC Word Search
CVC word sheet mixed
I can read phase 2 words
CVC Word and picture matching
Pictures and captions matching word sheets
Phase 2 word search
Unscramble the caption activity sheet
CVC word activity booklet
Phase 2 tricky words word search

Phonics - Phase 3

Phase 3 workbook - ch
Phase 3 workbook - th
Sounds matching activity worksheet
I can read phase 3 words
Circle the word activity sheet
Word search
Spelling activity
Sorting cards activity
Phonics activity booklet
Matching sounds activity worksheet
Tricky words word search

Phonics - Phase 4

OE word search with word bank
OE word search without word bank
Word search - ae
Read and write activity sheets - magic e
Colour by phoneme - real and nonsense words - ee
Colour by phoneme - real and nonsense words - ie
Colour by phoneme - real and nonsense words - ue
Find and write the ae words
Tricky words activity booklet
Find and write the ee words
Phonics activity booklet
Tricky words word search - phase 4
Tricky words word search - phase 5

Phonics - Phase 5

Phase 5 ee and oe 

Phonics - Phase 6

Suffixes - Plurals es s ies
Irregular plural nouns
Irregular plural nouns 2
Plural ending ies
Plural nouns f to ves 2
Plural nouns f to ves 3
Plural nouns f to ves
Plural rules
Singular plural nouns 1
Singular plural nouns 2
Singular plural nouns 3
Singular plural nouns 4
Suffix s and es cards
Singular plural worksheet
Plurals board game
Making singular nouns activity sheet
Plurals s and es worksheet
Suffix singular and plural
s and es word mat
Squashy boxes plurals craft

Suffixes - able, ful, er, est, less
Suffix ful and less with sentences
Suffix ful and less
Suffixes able ful est er less
Write correct suffixes
Write meanings from choices
Er or est worksheet
Suffix matching cards
Adding er and est
Er and es activity sheet
Adding ful and less
Adding ful and less activity sheet
Suffix word list
Suffixes ment ful less ness and ly
Adding er and est to adjectives
Suffixes word mat
Suffix er word mat
Trick cards

Suffixes - ed and ing
Ed worksheet 1
Ed worksheet 2
Ed worksheet 3
Ed worksheet 4
Ed and ing game
ing worksheet 1
ing worksheet 2
ing worksheet 3

Suffixes - ly
Add an adverb
Adverb dictation
Adverb sentences
Make your own word search
ly rules
ly intro
ly rule
ly with images
Ending ly
Rules for ly
Adding ly spelling activity
Suffix word list

Plural rules
Suffixes rules
Display poster
SPAG ing ed er and est word mat 1
SPAG ing ed er and est word mat 2