Staying safe online
Uplands School takes the online safety of its students seriously and builds into lessons and fun times the need to stay safe online, at all times.
Young people with special educational needs are more at risk when using ICT. Young people with SEN may be more vulnerable when using the internet and social media sites as they may not be aware that they are being bullied or that their own actions could be misunderstood as bullying. Young people may also not be able to judge when it is safe to share personal information online or how to report bullying.
Staying safe online - Follow the links to view
UK Safer Internet Website
On the UK Safer Internet Centre you can find e-safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe on the internet.
Advice on what children do on the internet, social networking websites and online games.
Newsround on the BBC
Advice and Tips for staying safe online
Useful Guides to share with your young person
Please share the following documents with your young person, they are helpful in teaching online safety:
Staying Safe Online - Useful poster produced by Cerebra
Keeping Safe Online -Useful booklet from
Top tips for setting boundaries around gaming
Sharing photos - What parents and carers need to know about Sharing Photos
Tiktok – A Useful Guide for Parents and Carers
Netflix – A Useful Guide for Parents and Carers