School Policies
Uplands School is part of the Brunel Academies Trust, shortened to Brunel, which holds Finance, Governance, HR, IT and Operations policies centrally. Please follow the link to view the Brunel Policy Guidance or to view the Brunel Policy Page
Please note that Uplands continually monitors and updates its school policies. Policies which cannot be opened are currently being updated and approved by our Senior Leadership Team and Governing Body. Updated policies will be added to the site as soon as possible.
Brunel Policies
Charging and Remissions Policy
Uplands School Policies
If you can't see a policy, you require then please check on the Brunel Policy Page
Safeguarding and Anti Bullying Statement
16-19 Bursary Policy and Procedure
Assessment, Recording & Reporting
Children Missing Education Policy
Education of Looked After Children currently under review
Education Relating to Harmful Substances
Interpersonal and Intimate Care Policy
Sexual Harassment and Violence Policy
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Policy currently under review
Visitors (including Governors and Trustees) Policy
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