What is Transition?
Transition at Uplands is about moving on to the next stage of life, developing new friendships and being confident. This could mean transition to a new school, a new class or a new phase of education. It is about being able to settle well into a new routine, class and environment and show an interest in new people, places and things. At Uplands we have a Transitions Team to help our students move on, in whatever form that takes.
The Transitions Team are here to help students settle into the school, move into new classes as they move through the school and help when it’s time to leave school.
When the time comes, we help our students and their families find out about different options for moving into adulthood, such as work, college, living in the community, leisure and making friends.
Many of our students choose to move on to Horizons College, part of Brunel Education, a subsidiary company of Brunel Academies Trust. Horizons College have open days throughout the year. For more information, please visit the Horizons College website by following the link Horizons College
Uplands School Transitions Team
Clare McKie Transitions Coordinator |
Stacey Cooper Transitions Administrator |
For more information on how we can support with any or all aspects of Transition, please contact Clare McKie on 01793 493910.
For more information on Transition support services in Swindon please visit the Borough's Local SEND Offer website for up to date information - please follow the link to the Local Offer
Transitions Aims
- To provide a dedicated team to support your young person in their transition to adulthood including support to plan and deliver
outcomes, needs and provision described on their Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP) - A fully person centred planning approach to support young people and their families/carers, working closely with community partners in planning a successful transition to adult/working life
- To support young people and their families to make positive choices about education, work, living, health and leisure and social opportunities
- A continued Annual Review process by staff skilled and
knowledgeable in transition and fully trained and supported by local authority SEN teams. - Planned Progression Pathways building on previous achievements
- Individual needs led learning outcomes based on the young person’s aspirations and potential
Uplands School Transitions Brochure