Careers Information for Parents and Carers
Parent/carer involvement and support is essential for successful careers education, positive outcomes and transitions. Parent/carers are therefore kept informed about careers events and activities through direct communication with tutors, correspondence home, parents’ evenings and the annual review (EHCP) process.
We also encourage input and feedback from parents and careers regarding Careers Education at Uplands School and work experience, therefore, please contact our Careers Lead on the contact details below to discuss further.
Claire Owens, Careers Lead
Telephone: 01793 493910
We also welcome parents/carers’ input into our careers programme; if you would like to come into school to talk about your job to students, for example, or are keen to be involved with Uplands School as an employer, please see the bottom of our ‘Careers Programme’ page for further details Uplands School - Careers Programme.
Useful Information for Parents/Carers
- Careers policy
- Work experience policy
- Work related learning policy
- Preparation for Adulthood – “Giving Everyone Equal Life chances as they move into Adulthood”, more information is available by following the link Preparing for Adulthood: All Tools & Resources - NDTi
- Swindon SEND local offer - discover what support is available to children and young people from birth to 25 years with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Swindon, by following the link Swindon Local Offer - Swindon SEND Local Offer
- Careerpilot - provides profiles for a wide variety of different jobs and careers. Visitors to the site can search for information based on job sectors and individual values. There are also helpful quizzes, Labour Market Information to show what jobs are in demand in your area, CV builder tools etc. Take a look at their Parent Zone Careerpilot : Parent zone
- Career Advice for Parents – information on how to support your young person with their career choices can be found by following the link Careers Advice for Parents - Youth Employment UK
Down Syndrome Workfit - helping young people with a diagnosis of Down Syndrome into work and supporting their employer to support them
- Government information on Supported Internships Supported internships - GOV.UK (
- National Careers Service – provides information, advice and guidance to help young people and their families make decisions on learning, training and work, including advisors available on the phone/live chat Careers advice - job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service
- Have you ever wondered what training routes are available? Ever wanted to know the difference between a supported internship and traineeship? Watch this information video to find out more...ASK Apprenticeships Video Presentation (Press F5 to play)
National Careers Week Careers Week - Parent and Carer Podcast
Useful Information to explore with your child/young person
- Careers Pilot – allows students to learn more about themselves and their strengths and interests and utilise this information to look for information on a range of job sectors Careerpilot : Plan your future work & study
- Get Ahead – a toolkit and resources (including magazines and newsletters containing a range of topical issues) that supports young people with disabilities to explore education, training and the world of work. Get Ahead | Disability Rights UK
- Preparation for Adulthood – “Giving Everyone Equal Life chances as they move into Adulthood”, more information is available by following the link Preparing for Adulthood: All Tools & Resources - NDTi
- Swindon SEND local offer - discover what support is available to children and young people from birth to 25 years with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Swindon, by following the link Swindon Local Offer - Swindon SEND Local Offer