Careers Information for Employers
Uplands School welcomes partnerships with local employers for career and work-related learning opportunities including work experience and employer visits into school or workplace visits for our students. Obtaining professional work experience in an area of their interest is of vital importance to our young people, in terms of skills development, future employment prospects, community involvement and personal wellbeing. There are also considerable opportunities and benefits for the employer, their staff and organisation.
To find out more about our school, please click on the following links: Uplands School - About Uplands and Uplands School - Our Shared Vision. Please feel free to browse our website or contact us directly to discuss further.
A wide range of additional professionals will be involved in supporting students and their families including, but not limited to: Advisory Teachers, Social Workers, Link Workers, Health Professionals and staff working in our local work-related provisions.
The Careers Lead is supported by a Senior Enterprise Coordinator from the Swindon and Wiltshire Careers Hub.
Careers Leader, Contact Details:
Claire Owens
Telephone: 01793 493910