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Uplands School

Uplands School
A Vibrant and Caring Community Where Learning for Life is Fun
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Embedding British Values

British Values


Embedding British Values

British Values

As a school we have a duty to ‘actively promote’ the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

At Uplands School our students develop their awareness of British Values through a broad range of curriculum, pastoral and whole school activities, and specifically through our Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education and Relationships and Sex Education curriculum (PSHCE and RSE) curriculum. The Values underpin and are integral to all that we do here, and we make the most of every opportunity to make them explicit to our young people and to help them understand their own valuable and valued place in upholding these Values.

Students are prepared to play an active role as citizens through a variety of curriculum subjects. This includes PSHCE and RSE, Skills for Adulthood and Knowledge and Understanding of the world whilst also being supported through community visits and whole school fund raising, for example for the Food Bank and Children in Need.



We teach students about democracy through PSHCE and RSE. Our students are able to experience democracy in action through our very active Student Council, where members are elected and are there to represent the views of the whole student body through termly meetings. We build many opportunities in to daily school life for students to make choices of their own and also to respect the choices that others make if they are different to ours’.


The Rule of Law

Students learn about the nature of rules and laws. We support students in experiencing how rules are relevant to their daily lives by having class rules and promoting discussion around why it is important to follow common rules and how this contributes to a safe, settled and happy society.

Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Uplands is committed to ensuring that all students develop an understanding of their rights as individuals and their responsibilities to each other and to the community. Our PSHCE and RSE curriculum focuses on ensuring that students develop an awareness of friendship, tolerance and free expression as well as the rights of all students to feel safe. Students develop an understanding that with these rights come responsibilities to support others and protects these rights for others. Uplands also participates in anti-bullying week which further reinforces the notions of freedom and responsibility.

Students at Uplands participate in a variety of Remembrance Day activities each November ranging from artwork to selling poppies and participating in the collective silence.

Through assemblies and a range of curriculum work, notably RE, students learn about different faiths and how people celebrate and follow the teachings of their religion. They will look at similarities as well as differences and consider how all religions and cultures can live alongside each other, enriching each other’s lives.


Student Progress and Qualifications

Students may have EHCP outcomes and 12-month targets that link to concepts around British Values. For example, a student may experience particular difficulties understanding or accepting different groups which would create difficulties for them and others in life. A target may focus learning in this area.

Students in Key Stage 5 study formal units related to British Values such as Rights and Responsibilities through the OCR Life and Living Qualification.

Through external work experience placements students learn, through interacting in the workplace, concepts such as tolerance, respect and working with other people. In addition, they learn the value of making an important contribution to their local community through community enterprise projects such as making and selling goods through creative enterprise, for example, through the Skills for Adulthood curriculum, and raising money for charity through fund raising.