Absence request during term time
Please can we remind you about the regulations around taking your young people out of school during term time. The Department for Education has some very clear guidelines around this which are detailed below:
'Head teachers should not grant leave of absence unless there are exceptional circumstances. The application must be made in advance and the head teacher must be satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances based on the individual facts and circumstances of the case which warrant the leave. Where a leave of absence is granted, the head teacher will determine the number of days a pupil can be away from school. A leave of absence is granted entirely at the head teacher’s discretion.’ (School Attendance – Guidance for Maintained Schools, Academies, Independent School and Local Authorities – July 2019)
If, on a rare occasion, you need to request for you child to be absent form school other than illness, please complete the Absence Request Form (follow link below) and pass to David Stevens, Headteacher.